• Travel to sharm el sheikh from Cairo and enjoy a memorable Trip
  • Another component we’re going to focus on has many names, but in present-day terms it’s usually referred to as the higher self. In the higherself reality, we literally exist in other worlds besides this one.

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Thoth the Atlantean

Thoth the Atlantean

The Secret of the Flower of life 


Thoth the Atlantean

This man, Thoth of Egypt, goes almost all the way back to the beginning of Atlantis. He figured out, 52,000 years ago, how to stay conscious in one body continuously without dying, and he has remained in his original body since then until 1991, when he moved into a new way of being far beyond our understanding.

He lived through most of the period of Atlantis and even became king of Atlantis for a period of 16,000 years. During those times he was called Chiquetet Arlich Vomalites. His name was actually
Arlich Vomalites, and Chiquetet was a title that meant “the seeker of wisdom,” because he really wanted to be what wisdom was. After Atlantis sank (we will discuss this subject in great detail soon), Arlich Vomalites and other advanced beings had to wait for about 6000 years before they could
begin to reestablish civilization.

When Egypt began to come to life, he stepped forward and called himself Thoth, keeping that name all through the time of Egypt.

 When Egyptdied, it was Thoth who started the next major culture, which was Greece. Our history books say that Pythagoras was the father of Greece and that it was from and through the Pythagorean school that Greece unfolded and from Greece that our present civilization emerged. Pythagoras says in his own writings that Thoth took him by the hand, led him under the Great Pyramid and taught him all the geometries and the nature of the Reality.

Once Greece was born through Pythagoras, Thoth then stepped into that culture in the same body he had during the time of Atlantis and called himself Hermes. So it is written, Arlich Vomalites, Thoth and Hermes are the same person. True story? Read The Emerald Tablets, written 2000 years ago by Hermes.

Since that time he’s had many other names, but I still call him Thoth. He came back into my life in 1984 and worked with me just about every day until 1991. He d come in and spend maybe four to eight hours a day teaching me about so many things. This is where the largest body of the information
1'11 be sharing with you came from, though it correlates with other information and has been substantiated by many other teachers.

The history of the world, especially, came from him. You see, while in Egypt, where he was called the Scribe, he wrote down everything that took place. He was the perfect person for it, right? He was constantly alive, so as a scribe he would just sit there and watch life go by. He was a good impartial witness, as that was a major part of his understanding of wisdom. He seldom talked or acted except when he knew that it was in divine order.

Eventually Thoth discovered how to leave Earth. He would go to another planet where there was life and just sit there and watch. He would never interfere, wouldn t say a single word. He’d be absolutely silent and just watch just to see how they lived their lives, to get wisdom, to understand—for maybe a hundred years on each planet. Then he would go somewhere else and watch.

Altogether, Thoth was gone from Earth for about 2000 years studying other life forms. But he considers himself an Earth person. Of course, we have all come from somewhere else at one point or another in the game of life, because the Earth is not that old. It’s only about five billion years old, and spirit is forever, always has been and always will be. You always have been and always will be. Spirit cannot die, and any other understanding is just an illusion. But Thoth considers himself from here because it was here that he made the first step that led him into immortality.

This is Thoth’s wife, Shesat. She’s a most extraordinary person—in some ways at least as extraordinary as Thoth, if not more so. She was the first person to bring me consciously to Earth, which was in, roughly, 1500 B.C. I was not physically here, but we had made a conscious link across the dimensions. She connected with me because of problems the Egyptians were having within their country that, from her point of view, would eventually affect the whole world and the outcome of humanity. We worked very closely together. I still have a very deep love for her and a really close connection, though she’s no longer here. Neither is Thoth. In 1991, together they left this entire octave of universes and stepped over into a completely different kind of experience of life. Their actions are important to us, as you will see.

In 1984, Thoth came back into my life, twelve years after my first experience with him while meditating with my alchemy teacher. The first thing he did was to lead me through an initiation in Egypt. He had me travel all over Egypt and perform ceremonies and accept initiations at certain temples.

I was asked to enter a particular space under the Great Pyramid, repeat long phrases in the original Atlantean language and enter a state of consciousness where my body was only light. I’ll tell that story when it’s time, I promise.

Introducing Thoth

The Secret of the Flower of life 

Who is Thoth? What you’re seeing in this illustration is Egyptian hieroglyphics. Everything in the picture is hieroglyph, not just the images at the top. “Hieroglyph” means holy writings. These hieroglyphs are drawn on papyrus, which was supposedly the first paper in the world. The person depicted here is a man named Thoth, pronounced with a long o. (Some people say Thawth, but he pronounces it Thoth.)
The hieroglyph shows his head as an ibis, a bird. So whenever you see this man with wide shoulders and a strange-looking bird head, it’s a hieroglyph depicting this particular being, Thoth. He’s holding papyrus reeds because he was the person who introduced writing to the world. The introduction of writing was a profoundly important event, probably the most influential act that has ever occurred
on this planet in this cycle. It made more changes in our evolution and consciousness than
any other single act in our known history.

Thoth is also holding in his left hand something called the ankh, which is the symbol for eternal life. The ankh is an extremely significant symbol in this work, just as it was one of the primary symbols in Egyptian times. There is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding our bodies shaped like the ankh. The remembrance of it, according to the Egyptian point of view, is the beginning of our returning home to eternal life and true freedom, so the ankhis a primary key.

All these things are an introduction. I’ll be skipping all over the place, talking about many different subjects that won’t seemingly be tied together; then slowly, as we proceed, I’ll bring them all together in one coherent picture.

On my second trip to Egypt, I went everywhere looking for this little bird called an ibis. They supposedly lived in the reeds, so I looked through the reeds with my camera. I kept looking for one the whole time I was there. I looked from one end of Egypt to the other but never saw a single ibis. I had to wait until I got back to the Albuquerque Zoo to take this picture, They look kind of like short-legged storks with bright pink feathers.

Here is Thoth writing. This is a copy off a wall, and this next photo is an actual wall sculpture. He’s kneeling here, holding the pen and writing. This was a revolutionary act that had never been attempted before in this cycle. According to the conventional version of history, this act took place in Egypt during the time of Saqqara, but I have my doubts. I personally believe that it took place about 500 years earlier. Saqqara was built during the First Dynasty, approximately 3300 B.C. When we talk about the pyramids older than Saqqara, you will understand why I believe this.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

How Old Is the Sphinx?

The Secret of the Flower of life 

The following is also probably one of the most important discoveries on
the planet ever. It’s happening right now at this moment. However, it began
about forty years ago with R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. He’s a famous
self-educated Egyptian archaeologist who has written many books. He and
his stepdaughter, Lucie Lamy, have demonstrated a profound understanding
of sacred geometry and the Egyptian culture.

While observing the Sphinx, Schwaller de Lubicz became especially interested
in the tremendous wear on its surface. Toward the back of the
Sphinx there are wear patterns that cut twelve feet deep into its surface, and
this type of wear pattern is totally different from the patterns on other buildings in Egypt. The Wear Patterns on the other buldings, Supposedly built at the same time, are textured by sand and wind, which is consistent if the buildings are, as believed, around 4000 years old. But the wear patterns
on the Sphinx look like they’ve been smoothed with water.

 According to mainstream thought, the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid and other associated
buildings were built about 4500 years ago in the Fourth Dynasty under

When this discrepancy was brought up to Egyptian archaeologists, they refused to listen. This went on for about forty years. Other people noticed it, but the Egyptians simply would not admit the obvious.

Then a man named John Anthony West became interested. He has written many books
on Egypt, including Serpent in the Sky and a fine Egyptian guidebook. When he heard about the Sphinx dispute, he went to look for himself. He could see that the wear was incredibly excessive and that it did look like water had caused the wear. He also found, like Schwaller de Lubicz, that he could
not get the accredited archaeologists to listen to his beliefs about the Sphinx.

On top of that, computers have calculated that it would take a minimum
of 1000 years of continuous, torrential rains dumped on the Sphinx nonstop for twenty-four hours a day—to cause that kind wear. This means the Sphinx has to be at least 8000 years old minimum. Because it’s not likely that it bucketed rain nonstop for 1000 years, they figured that it’s got to be at least 10- to 15,000 years old, maybe a lot older. When this evidence gets out to the world, it will be one of the most powerful revelations on this planet in a very, very long time. It’s going to have a bigger effect on the world’s view of itself than probably any other discovery. This evidence has
not entered the schools or general knowledge yet, though it has gone all around the planet. It has been looked at and checked out and thought about and argued over, and in the end most scientists have agreed that it cannot be doubted.

So the age of the Sphinx has now been put back to at least 10,000 years,
maybe 15,000 or a lot more, and it’s already changing the entire worldview
of the people on the cutting edge of archaeology. You see, judging by everything
we presently think we know, the oldest civilized people in the world
were the Sumerians, and they go back to approximately 3800 B.C. Before
that, conventional knowledge says there was nothing but hairy barbarians—
no civilization at all anywhere on the whole planet. But now we have
something man-made and civilized that’s 10,000 to 15,000 years old. That
changes everything!
In the past, when something new like this is discovered that has a major
influence on the viewpoint of the world, it takes about a hundred years for
it to get to the people, for the average person to say, “Oh, yes, that is true!”
But this time it’ll happen a lot quicker because of television, computers, the
Internet and the way things are today. Now scientific circles, for the first
time ever, are actually beginning to look at the words of Plato in a new light
when he talked about another culture, another continent, from a dim past
called Atlantis.
The Sphinx is the largest sculpture on the planet. It was not done by
hairy barbarians, but by a very sophisticated culture. And it was not done by
anybody we now know here on Earth. From a scientific point of view, this is
the first solid evidence to be accepted about the true age of civilization.
There has been lots of other evidence, but people just kept putting it under
the table. This information on the Sphinx has made a crack in our
worldview. This took place about 1990, and the crack is now widening.
We now have the accepted evidence that there absolutely had to have been
someone on Earth who was highly civilized as early as 10,000 years ago.
You can see how that’s going to completely change our view of who we
think we are.

A Trip to Peru and More Dogon Evidence

The Secret of the Flower of life 

I first came upon this Dogon information in 1982 or ’83. I found myself around a group of people who were working with the Dogon tribe, who were actually going there and communicating with them. Then in 1985 I took a group of people to Peru, including one of these Dogon researchers.

We checked into a plush hotel in Cuzco called the Hotel San Agustin, intending to go walking the following day on the Inca Trail, about forty miles over the mountaintops. You walk up to about 14,000 feet, then drop down to Machu Picchu about 5000 feet below. It’s beautiful.

Our hotel was a Spanish adobe palace hidden behind high walls in the center of town. We were paired off so we could get cheaper rates.
I was with the Dogon researcher, and he was constantly telling me about what they were learning, including a lot more than we’re discussing here. We got a room, and the room number was 23. He got all excited and exclaimed, “Room 23!—a very auspicious number!” From Africa, where the Dogons
live, the star Sirius disappears below the horizon and is out of sight for a couple of months; then it appears again on the morning of July 23, when it rises about one minute before the Sun. It appears, bright ruby-red, just above the horizon, almost exactly due east. Sixty seconds later the Sun

So you can see Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt.

This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx. Many of the temples had a tiny hole in the wall somewhere; then there would be another tiny hole through another wall, then through another wall and another, going into some dim inner chamber. In that chamber there would be something like a cube or Golden Mean rectangle of granite sitting in the middle of the room with a little mark on it. At the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius, a
ruby-red light would strike the altar for a few seconds, which would begin their new year and the first day of the ancient Sothic calendar of Egypt.

Anyway, here we were in Peru, getting the room and remarking about
the number 23. We walked into the room and set our things down; then we
both looked at the bed, and on the bedspread we saw this image We just stood there in amazement, looking at it for about five minutes before we could even speak, because the wheels in our heads were going around so fast, trying to figure out how this could be.

If you look again at the image of the beings who got out of the flying saucer, they looked very similar. They were half in and half out of water—airbreathing mammals—and their tail fins were horizontal, not vertical like fish. The only sea creatures with such fins are cetaceans such as dolphins
and whales.

But the Dogon image is from Africa . . . and here we were in Peru, staring
at a very similar-looking mammal. This just didn’t compute. So we asked
the hotel personnel, “What do you know about this emblem?” They didn’t
know much. They were mostly of Spanish descent and weren’t tied much
into Indian legends. They didn’t know the old stories of creation, so they
had no idea what it meant.

In order to find out more, we rented a little car and drove around the
area asking other people. We finally ended up at Lake Titicaca, talking to
some Uros Indians. At one point I asked, “What do you know about this?”
They said, “Oh, yeah,” and proceeded to tell me a story that sounded very
much like what the Dogons had told! This is their creation story: A flying
saucer came out of the sky and landed in Lake Titicaca on the Island of the
Sun. These dolphinlike creatures jumped into the water, came up to the
people, told them where they came from, and in the beginning, began an intimate
relationship with the pre-Inca peoples. It was this connection with
the Sky People, according to the story, that launched the Incan empire.

I just sat there with my mouth open. Afterward, Simply Living magazine out of Australia published a whole series of articles on this subject.

When people started investigating, they found that cultures all over the
world have similar stories.

There are twelve different cultures in the Mediterranean alone that tell a similar story.
We’ll come back to the dolphins a lot in this work because it seems they played a huge role in the unfoldment of consciousness on this planet.


Left- and Right-Brain Realities

The Secret of the Flower of life 

There’s one more component to this picture. I’ll be spending perhaps half of our time on left-brain information like geometries and facts and all kinds of information that to many spiritual people would seem totally unimportant.

I’m doing this because when we fell, we divided ourselves into two—really three, but primarily into two—main components, which we call male and female.

The right brain, which controls the left side of our body, is our feminine component, though it’s truly neither male nor female. This is where our psychic and emotional aspect lives. This component knows that there’s only one God and that oneness is all there is. Though it can’t really explain it, it just knows the truth. So there are not a lot of problems with the female component.

The problem is on the left side of the brain—the male component. Because of the nature ofhow the male brain is oriented—a mirror image of the female—it has its logical component forward (more dominant), while the female has its logical component toward the back (less dominant). The left brain does not experience oneness when it looks out into the Reality; all it sees is division and separation. For that reason, the male aspect of us is having a difficult time down here on Earth. Even our major sacred books such as the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible have divided everything into opposites. 

The left brain experiences that there is God, but then there’s also the devil—perhaps not quite as strong as God, but a huge influence. So even God is seen in terms of duality, as one pole of the opposing forces of dark and light. (This is not true in all sects of these religions. A few of them see that there is only God.)

Until the left brain is able to see the unity running through everything, to know that there is truly one spirit, one force, one consciousness moving through absolutely everything in existence—until it knows that unity beyond any doubt—then the mind is going to stay separated from itself, from its wholeness and from the fullness of its potential. Even if there’s the slightest doubt at all about unity, the left-brain aspect will hold us back, and we can no longer walk on water. Remember, even Thomas walked on water for a short moment when Jesus asked him to, but one little cell in his big toe said, “Wait a minute, I can’t do this,” and Thomas sank into the cold water of polarity reality.

Where We’re Going with This Information I’m dedicating a lot of our time to showing you beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is only one image in everything. There is one and only one image that created all that exists, and that image is the same image that has formed the electromagnetic field around your body. The same geometries that are in your field can be found around everything—planets and galaxies and atoms and everything else. We will examine this image in great detail.

We’re also going to go into the history of the Earth, because it is very important to our present situation. We cannot really understand how we got here if we don’t know the process that led us to this point.

 So we’ll spend aconsiderable length of time talking about what happened a long time ago;
then slowly we’ll come forward until we get to what’s going on today. It’s all tied together. The same old thing has been going on all along, and it’s still going on—in fact, it has never stopped.

Those of you who are predominantly right-brained may feel inclined to skip this left-brained material, yet it is most important for you to hang in there.

 It is through balance that spiritual health returns. When the left brain sees absolute unity, it begins to relax and the corpus callosum (the band of fibers joining the two hemispheres) opens in a new way, allowing an integration between the two sides. The link between the left and right brain widens, a flow starts, information is passed back and forth, and the opposing sides of the brain begin to integrate and synchronize with each other. If you’re hooked up for biofeedback, you can actually see
this happening. This action turns on the pineal gland in a different manner and makes it possible for your meditation to activate the lightbody of the Mer-Ka-Ba. Then the whole process of regeneration and recovery of our previous higher levels of consciousness can proceed. It is a growth process.
If you are studying any other spiritual practice, you do not need to stop in order to begin the work with the Mer-Ka-Ba—unless, of course, your teacher does not want to mix traditions. Other meditations that are based on truth can be extremely useful once the Mer-Ka-Ba is spinning, because
then noticeable results can evolve very, very quickly. I will repeat myself just so you know for sure: The lightbody of the Mer-Ka-Ba does not contradict or inhibit any other meditation or religion that upholds the belief that there is only one God.

So far we’ve talked only about the ABCs of spirituality. These are just the beginning steps. But these first steps are the most important ones I know.

Your left brain may love all this information and file it away in neatly labeled pigeonholes; this is fine. Or you can just relax and read this like an adventure story, a mind-stretcher, a fantasy. However you read it, the fact that you are reading this book is what matters, and you will receive whatever
you’re meant to receive.

In the spirit of oneness, then, let us embark upon this journey of exploration together.

Challenging the Belief Patterns of Our Parents Many ideas we believe today and “facts” we’ve been taught in school are just not true, and people are now beginning to realize this worldwide. Of course, usually these patterns were believed to be true at the time they were taught, but then concepts and ideas changed, and the next generation was taught different truths.

For example, the concept of the atom has changed dramatically so many times over the last ninety years that at this point they don’t really adhere to a concept. They use one, but with the understanding that it may be wrong.

At one time the atom was thought to he like a watermelon and the electrons were like seeds inside the watermelon. We really know very little about the Reality that exists around us. Quantum physics has now shown us that the person performing the experiment influences the outcome. In other words, consciousness can change the outcome of an experiment, depending on its belief patterns.
There are other aspects of ourselves we hold true that may not be true at all. One idea that has been held for a long time is that we’re the only planet in existence with life on it. In our heart of hearts we know this is not true, but this planet will not admit this truth in modern times even though there is powerful evidence of UFO sightings that have been coming from all over the world nonstop for over fifty years. Any subject other than UFOs would have been believed and accepted by the world had this subject not been so threatening. Therefore, we’re going to look at evidence that suggests there
is a higher consciousness in the universe, not only in the stars, but perhaps right here on the Earth.

As a side note, I suggest that you see two videos aired on NBC
Television as a special, hosted by Charlton Heston: “The Mysterious
Origins of Man” and “The Mystery of the Sphinx. ”
Both are distributed by BC Video at l -800-508-0558.


A Higher, Inclusive Reality

The Secret of the Flower of life 

A Higher, Inclusive Reality

Another component we’re going to focus on has many names, but in present-day terms it’s usually referred to as the higher self. In the higherself reality, we literally exist in other worlds besides this one. There are so many dimensions and worlds that it almost surpasses human capability to conceive of it.

 These levels are very specific and mathematical, and the spacing and the wavelengths in and between these levels are identical to the relationships within musical octaves and other aspects of life. But right now your third-dimensional consciousness has probably been severed from your higher aspect, so you’re aware only of what’s going on here on Earth.

This is not the norm for beings existing in a natural unfallen state. The norm is that beings first become aware of several levels at once, like chords in music, until finally, as they grow, they become aware of everything everywhere at once. The following example is unusual, but it demonstrates what is being talked about.

I’m in communication with someone right now who is aware of many levels at once. The scientists who are studying her are speechless; they cannot understand how she does what she’s doing. She might be sitting in a room, yet she claims to be watching from outer space. NASA checked her out by asking her to “see” a specific satellite and give specific information that could be known only if someone were actually there. She gave them readings off their instruments, which I’m sure seemed impossible to the scientists. She said she was flying alongside the satellite and simply read them.

Her name is Mary Ann Schinfield. She is legally blind, yet she can walk around a room and no one would know that she cannot see. How does she do it?

Recently she called me, and while we were talking she asked if I would like to see through her eyes. Of course I said yes. Within a few breaths, my field of vision opened up, and I was looking at or through what looked like a huge television screen that filled my field of vision. What I saw was astounding.

It seemed that I was moving very fast through space without a body. I could see the stars, and at that moment Mary Ann and I, seeing through her eyes, were moving alongside a string of comets. She was very close to one of them.

It was one of the most real out-of-body experiences I have ever had.

Around the perimeter of this “TV screen” there were about twelve or fourteen smaller TV screens, each one giving extremely fast images. One of them up in the upper right-hand corner was flashing rapidly moving images such as triangles, light bulbs, circles, wavy lines, trees, squares etc. It was this screen that told her what was in the immediate space where her body was located. She could “see” through these seemingly unrelated images.

There was another screen in the bottom left-hand corner where she communicated with other extraterrestrial life that was within this solar system. Here is a person who is in a three-dimensional body on Earth, but has full memory and experience of living in other dimensions. This manner ofinterrupting the Reality is unusual. People do not normally see inner TV screens, but we do exist in many other worlds even though most of us are not aware of it.

You presently exist on probably five or more levels. Though there is a break between this dimension and others, when you connect with your higher self you mend that break, after which you start becoming aware of the higher levels and the higher levels start paying more attention to you communication begins! This connection to the higher self is probably the most important thing that could happen in your life—more important than understanding any of the information I’ll be giving. Connecting with the higher self is more important than learning to activate the Mer-Ka-Ba, because if you connect yourself to your Self, you will get absolutely clear information on how to proceed step by step through any reality and how to lead yourself back home into the full consciousness of God. When you connect with your higher self, the rest will happen automatically. 

You will still have to live your life, but everything you do will have great power and wisdom
within your actions, thoughts and emotions.

Exactly haw to connect with one’s higher self is what many people, including myself, have been trying to understand. Many people who have somehow made this connection often don’t know how it happened. 

Returning to Our Original State

The Secret of the Flower of life

Returning to Our Original State

To be clear, returning to our original state is a natural process that can
be easy or difficult according to our belief patterns.

 However, simply becoming involved with the technical relationships of the Mer-Ka-Ba, such as correcting our breathing patterns or mentally realizing the infinite connections
to all patterns of life, for example, is not enough. 

At least one other factor is even more important than the Mer-Ka-Ba itself, and that is the understanding,realization and living of divine love. For it is divine love,
sometimes referred to as unconditional love, that is the primary factor that allows the Mer-Ka-Ba to become a living field of light. Without divine love, the Mer-Ka-Ba is just a machine, and this machine will have limitations that will never allow the spirit that created it to return home and reach the highest levels of consciousness—the place where there are no
We must be experiencing and expressing unconditional love in order to
move beyond a certain dimension, and the world is fast heading toward that
higher place. We are heading away from the place of separatism where we
see ourselves inside the body looking out. That view will be gone soon, to
be replaced with a different view of reality where we’ll have the sense and
knowledge of absolute unity with all life; and that sense will grow more and
more as we continue to move upward through each level on our journey

Later we will explore special ways of opening the heart—to kindle compassionate,
unconditional love so that you can have a direct experience. If
you can just let this happen, you may discover things about yourself that
you didn’t know before.

Dear reader: There are procedures in the workshops that cannot
be reproduced on the tapes or in this book because they are
totally experiential. They are just as important as the knowledge,
for without them the knowledge is worthless. The only
way we can give these experiences now is through oral tradition
through a living workshop. But that may change in the future.

The Mer-Ka-Ba

The Secret of the Flower of life 
The Mer-Ka-Ba

There’s another major factor that we’re going to focus on in this story.
Thirteen thousand years ago we were aware of something about ourselves
that we’ve since completely forgotten: The geometric energy fields around
our bodies can be turned on in a particular way, which is also connected to
our breath. These fields used to spin at close to the speed of light around
our bodies, but they slowed down and stopped spinning after the Fall.
When this field is turned back on and spins, it’s called a Mer-Ka-Ba, and its
usefulness in this Reality is unparalleled. It gives us an expanded awareness
of who we are, connects us with higher levels of consciousness and restores
the memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.

A healthy spinning Mer-Ka-Ba is fifty to sixty feet in diameter, proportionate
to one’s height. The rotation of a spinning Mer-Ka-Ba can be displayed
on a computer monitor using the appropriate instruments, and its
appearance is identical with the infrared heat envelope of the galaxy, the same basic shape as the traditional flying saucer.

The word Mer-Ka-Ba is made up of three smaller words, Mer, Ka and
Ba, which, as we are using them, came from ancient Egyptian. It is seen in
other cultures as merkabah, merkaba and merkavah. There are several pronunciations,
but generally you pronounce it as if the three syllables are separate, with equal accents on each.

 Mer refers to a specific kind of light that was understood in Egypt only during the Eighteenth Dynasty.

 It was seen as two counterrotating fields of light spinning in the same space, which are
generated by certain breathing patterns.

 Ka refers to the individual spirit.

Ba refers to the spirit’s interpretation of its particular reality. In our
particular reality, Ba is usually defined as the body or physical reality. In
other realities where spirits don’t have bodies, it refers to their concepts or
interpretation of the reality they bring with them. 

So the Mer-Ka-Ba is a counterrotating field of light that affects spirit
and body simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take spirit and body (or
one’s interpretation of reality) from one world or dimension into another.
In fact, the Mer-Ka-Ba is much more than this, because it can create reality
as well as move through realities. For our purposes here, however, we will
focus mainly on its aspect as an interdimensional vehicle (Mer-Ka-Vah
means chariot in Hebrew) that will help us return to our original higher
state of consciousness.

Remembering Our Ancient Past

The Secret of the Flower of life

How the Fall of Atlantis Changed Our Realityall of Atlantis Changed Our Reality:

 A little less than 13,000 years ago, something very dramatic happened inthe history of our planet that weĆ­re going to explore in great detail,because what happened in the past is now affecting every aspect ofour lifetoday. Everything we experience in our daily living, including the particu-lar technologies we use, the wars that erupt, the foods we eat and even the way weperceive our lives, is the direct result of a certain sequence of events that happenedduring the end of Atlantean times. The consequences of these ancient events haveentirely changed the way we live and interpret reality.Everything is connected! There is only one Reality and one God, but thereare many, many ways that the one Reality can be interpreted.

 In fact, the num-ber of ways to interpret the Reality are just about infinite. There are certainrealities that many people have agreed on, and these realities are called levelsof consciousness. For reasons weĆ­ll get into, there are specific realities thatextremely large numbers of beings are focusing on, which include the one youand I are experiencing right now. 

At one time we existed on Earth in a very high level of awareness that was farbeyond anything we can even imagine right now. We hardly have even the capabil-ity to imagine where we once were, because who we were then is so out of contextwith who we are now. Because of the particular events that happened between16,000 and 13,000 years ago, humanity fell from that very high place through manydimensions and overtones, ever increasing in density, until we reached this particu-lar place, which we call the third dimension on planet Earth, the modern world.

 When we fell—and it was like a fall—we were in an uncontrolled spiral
of consciousness moving down through the dimensions of consciousness.
We were out of control, and it was very much like falling through space.
When we arrived here in the third dimension, certain specific changes took
place, both physiologically and in the way we functioned in the Reality.
The most important change was in the way we breathed prana, a Hindu word for the life-force energy of this universe. Prana is more critical to our
survival than air, water, food or any other substance, and the manner in
which we take this energy into our bodies radically affects how we perceive
the Reality.

In Atlantean times and earlier, the way we breathed prana was directly
related to the electromagnetic energy fields that surround our bodies. All
the energy forms in our fields are geometric, and the one we will be working
with is a star tetrahedron, which consists of two interlocked tetrahedrons. Another way of thinking of it is as a three-dimensional Star of

The apex of the upward-pointing tetrahedron terminates one hand’s
length above the head, and the apex of the downward-pointing tetrahedron
terminates one hand’s length below the feet. A connecting tube runs
from the upper apex to the lower point through the body’s main energy centers,
or chakras. This tube, for your body, has the diameter of the circle you
make when you touch your longest finger to your thumb. It looks like a
glass fluorescent tube, except it has a crystalline structure at the ends that
fit into the two apexes of the star tetrahedron.

Before the fall of Atlantis, we used to bring prana simultaneously up and
down this tube, and the two prana flows would meet inside one of our chakras.
Specifically how and where the prana meets has always been an important
aspect of this ancient science, which today is still being studied
throughout the universe.

Another major point in the human body is the pineal gland, located almost
in the center of the head, which is a huge factor in consciousness.
This gland has degenerated from its original size, comparable to a pingpong
ball, to its present size, that of a dried pea, because we forgot how to
use it a long time ago—and if you don’t use it, you lose it.

Pranic energy used to flow through the center of the pineal gland. This
gland, according to Jacob Liberman, author of Light, the Medicine of the Future,
looks like an eye, and in some respects it is literally an eyeball. It’s
round and has an opening on one portion; in that opening is a lens for focusing
light. It’s hollow and has color receptors inside.

 Its primary field of view—though this has not been determined scientifically—is upward, toward the heavens.

 Just as our eyes can look up to 90 degrees to the side
from the direction they face, the pineal gland can also “look” as much as 90
degrees away from its set direction. Just as we cannot look out the back of
our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down toward the Earth.

Held inside the pineal gland—even in its shrunken size—are all the sacred
geometries and understandings of exactly how the Reality was created.
It’s all there, in every single person. But these understandings are not accessible
to us now because we lost our memories during the Fall, and without our
memories we started to breathe differently. Instead of taking in prana
through the pineal gland and circulating it up and down our central tube, we
started breathing it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to bypass the pineal gland, which resulted in our seeing things in a totally different
way, through a different interpretation (called good and evil or polarity
consciousness) of the One Reality. The result of this polarity consciousness
has us thinking that we’re inside a body looking out, somehow separated from
what’s “out there.” This is pure illusion. It feels real, but there is no truth at all
to this perception. It’s merely the view of reality we have from this fallen

For example, there is nothing wrong with anything that happens, for
God is in control of the creation. But from one point of view, a polarity
view, looking at the planet and how it evolves, we should not have fallen
down here. In a normal curve of evolution, we should not be here. Something
happened to us that was not supposed to happen. We went through a
mutation—we had a chromosome breakage, you might say. So the Earth
has been on red alert for almost 13,000 years, and many beings and levels of
consciousness have been working together to figure out how to get us back
onto the path (DNA) where we were before.

The effect of this “mistaken” fall in consciousness and the ensuing efforts
to get us back on track is that something really good—something unexpected,
something amazing—has resulted. Beings from all over the universe
who have been trying to help us with our problem have initiated various
experiments on us in an effort to assist, some legally and some without
license. One particular experiment is resulting in a scenario that no one
anywhere had ever dreamed would become a reality, except one person in a
single culture from a long-distant past.

Returning to Our Original State

To be clear, returning to our original state is a natural process that can
be easy or difficult according to our belief patterns.

 However, simply becoming involved with the technical relationships of the Mer-Ka-Ba, such as correcting our breathing patterns or mentally realizing the infinite connections
to all patterns of life, for example, is not enough. 

At least one other factor is even more important than the Mer-Ka-Ba itself, and that is the understanding,realization and living of divine love. For it is divine love,
sometimes referred to as unconditional love, that is the primary factor that allows the Mer-Ka-Ba to become a living field of light. Without divine love, the Mer-Ka-Ba is just a machine, and this machine will have limitations that will never allow the spirit that created it to return home and reach the highest levels of consciousness—the place where there are no
We must be experiencing and expressing unconditional love in order to
move beyond a certain dimension, and the world is fast heading toward that
higher place. We are heading away from the place of separatism where we
see ourselves inside the body looking out. That view will be gone soon, to
be replaced with a different view of reality where we’ll have the sense and
knowledge of absolute unity with all life; and that sense will grow more and
more as we continue to move upward through each level on our journey

Later we will explore special ways of opening the heart—to kindle compassionate,
unconditional love so that you can have a direct experience. If
you can just let this happen, you may discover things about yourself that
you didn’t know before.

Dear reader: There are procedures in the workshops that cannot
be reproduced on the tapes or in this book because they are
totally experiential. They are just as important as the knowledge,
for without them the knowledge is worthless. The only
way we can give these experiences now is through oral tradition
through a living workshop. But that may change in the future.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Museum of Islamic Art

The Museum of Islamic Art, located in BAB AL- KHALQ in the heart of Historic Cairo, is considered to be the LARGEST Islamic Art museum in the world, as it houses close to aHUNDRED THOUSAND antique Islamic artifacts of various types collected from India, China, Iran, all the way to the ARABIAN PENINSULA, the Levant, Egypt, North Africa and Andalusia. This collection is CHARACTERIZED by its breadth of coverage of all the branches of Islamic Art throughout the ages, which makes it a BEACON of Islamic Art and Civilization for all times.


The idea of establishing a museum for Islamic arts and antiquities first came up during the rule of Khedive Ismail. This was achieved during the rule of Khedive Tawfiq, his son.


Frantz Pasha collected antiques and artifacts of the Islamic period in the eastern wing of al -Hakem Bi Amr illah’s Mosque.


A small building was erected in the courtyard and was named THE ARAB MUSEUM with Frantz Pasha as its director.


The name was changed from House of Arab Antiquities to the Museum of Islamic Art. The artifacts were displayed in 23 halls classified on the basis of their historical period and the material of which they were made.

1983 &1984
The Museum went through an important period of expansion that saw the annexation of the piece of land adjacent to the Museum that was previously occupied by a gas station. The two extra halls were used to house the Museum’s textile and carpet collection besides an internal storage area on the top floor, and a section for numismatics on the bottom one. The annexed plot of land was turned into a museum garden and a cafeteria.

A new phase of comprehensive development was undertaken in 2003 which involved the construction of a new administrative building rising three stories high to house the staff offices, a library, a restoration department and a lecture hall. The display layout was completely modified.

The Opening, And started to receive many visits for some time.

Unfortunately, on 24th  January of 2014, the Museum was the victim of a vicious terrorist attack which has targeted the Cairo Police Headquarters that stands across the street from it.
It took a whole year, until the beginning of 2015, before serious steps were taken to bring the Museum to its original state before the explosion.This was made possible thanks to the generous grants and donations offered by such reputable entities such as the United Arab Emirates, the UNESCO, ARCE, the Swiss Government, and the Italian Government. This led to a complete revision of the display layout.

The museum is opened throughout the week from 9:00am to 5:00pm Fridays is opened from 9:00am to 11:30am and from 1:30pm to 5:00pm