The Secret of the Flower of life
There’s one more component to this picture. I’ll be spending perhaps half of our time on left-brain information like geometries and facts and all kinds of information that to many spiritual people would seem totally unimportant.
I’m doing this because when we fell, we divided ourselves into two—really three, but primarily into two—main components, which we call male and female.
The right brain, which controls the left side of our body, is our feminine component, though it’s truly neither male nor female. This is where our psychic and emotional aspect lives. This component knows that there’s only one God and that oneness is all there is. Though it can’t really explain it, it just knows the truth. So there are not a lot of problems with the female component.
The problem is on the left side of the brain—the male component. Because of the nature ofhow the male brain is oriented—a mirror image of the female—it has its logical component forward (more dominant), while the female has its logical component toward the back (less dominant). The left brain does not experience oneness when it looks out into the Reality; all it sees is division and separation. For that reason, the male aspect of us is having a difficult time down here on Earth. Even our major sacred books such as the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible have divided everything into opposites.
The left brain experiences that there is God, but then there’s also the devil—perhaps not quite as strong as God, but a huge influence. So even God is seen in terms of duality, as one pole of the opposing forces of dark and light. (This is not true in all sects of these religions. A few of them see that there is only God.)
Until the left brain is able to see the unity running through everything, to know that there is truly one spirit, one force, one consciousness moving through absolutely everything in existence—until it knows that unity beyond any doubt—then the mind is going to stay separated from itself, from its wholeness and from the fullness of its potential. Even if there’s the slightest doubt at all about unity, the left-brain aspect will hold us back, and we can no longer walk on water. Remember, even Thomas walked on water for a short moment when Jesus asked him to, but one little cell in his big toe said, “Wait a minute, I can’t do this,” and Thomas sank into the cold water of polarity reality.
Where We’re Going with This Information I’m dedicating a lot of our time to showing you beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is only one image in everything. There is one and only one image that created all that exists, and that image is the same image that has formed the electromagnetic field around your body. The same geometries that are in your field can be found around everything—planets and galaxies and atoms and everything else. We will examine this image in great detail.
We’re also going to go into the history of the Earth, because it is very important to our present situation. We cannot really understand how we got here if we don’t know the process that led us to this point.
So we’ll spend aconsiderable length of time talking about what happened a long time ago;
then slowly we’ll come forward until we get to what’s going on today. It’s all tied together. The same old thing has been going on all along, and it’s still going on—in fact, it has never stopped.
Those of you who are predominantly right-brained may feel inclined to skip this left-brained material, yet it is most important for you to hang in there.
It is through balance that spiritual health returns. When the left brain sees absolute unity, it begins to relax and the corpus callosum (the band of fibers joining the two hemispheres) opens in a new way, allowing an integration between the two sides. The link between the left and right brain widens, a flow starts, information is passed back and forth, and the opposing sides of the brain begin to integrate and synchronize with each other. If you’re hooked up for biofeedback, you can actually see
this happening. This action turns on the pineal gland in a different manner and makes it possible for your meditation to activate the lightbody of the Mer-Ka-Ba. Then the whole process of regeneration and recovery of our previous higher levels of consciousness can proceed. It is a growth process.
If you are studying any other spiritual practice, you do not need to stop in order to begin the work with the Mer-Ka-Ba—unless, of course, your teacher does not want to mix traditions. Other meditations that are based on truth can be extremely useful once the Mer-Ka-Ba is spinning, because
then noticeable results can evolve very, very quickly. I will repeat myself just so you know for sure: The lightbody of the Mer-Ka-Ba does not contradict or inhibit any other meditation or religion that upholds the belief that there is only one God.
So far we’ve talked only about the ABCs of spirituality. These are just the beginning steps. But these first steps are the most important ones I know.
Your left brain may love all this information and file it away in neatly labeled pigeonholes; this is fine. Or you can just relax and read this like an adventure story, a mind-stretcher, a fantasy. However you read it, the fact that you are reading this book is what matters, and you will receive whatever
you’re meant to receive.
In the spirit of oneness, then, let us embark upon this journey of exploration together.
Challenging the Belief Patterns of Our Parents Many ideas we believe today and “facts” we’ve been taught in school are just not true, and people are now beginning to realize this worldwide. Of course, usually these patterns were believed to be true at the time they were taught, but then concepts and ideas changed, and the next generation was taught different truths.
For example, the concept of the atom has changed dramatically so many times over the last ninety years that at this point they don’t really adhere to a concept. They use one, but with the understanding that it may be wrong.
At one time the atom was thought to he like a watermelon and the electrons were like seeds inside the watermelon. We really know very little about the Reality that exists around us. Quantum physics has now shown us that the person performing the experiment influences the outcome. In other words, consciousness can change the outcome of an experiment, depending on its belief patterns.
There are other aspects of ourselves we hold true that may not be true at all. One idea that has been held for a long time is that we’re the only planet in existence with life on it. In our heart of hearts we know this is not true, but this planet will not admit this truth in modern times even though there is powerful evidence of UFO sightings that have been coming from all over the world nonstop for over fifty years. Any subject other than UFOs would have been believed and accepted by the world had this subject not been so threatening. Therefore, we’re going to look at evidence that suggests there
is a higher consciousness in the universe, not only in the stars, but perhaps right here on the Earth.
There are other aspects of ourselves we hold true that may not be true at all. One idea that has been held for a long time is that we’re the only planet in existence with life on it. In our heart of hearts we know this is not true, but this planet will not admit this truth in modern times even though there is powerful evidence of UFO sightings that have been coming from all over the world nonstop for over fifty years. Any subject other than UFOs would have been believed and accepted by the world had this subject not been so threatening. Therefore, we’re going to look at evidence that suggests there
is a higher consciousness in the universe, not only in the stars, but perhaps right here on the Earth.
As a side note, I suggest that you see two videos aired on NBC
Television as a special, hosted by Charlton Heston: “The Mysterious
Origins of Man” and “The Mystery of the Sphinx. ”
Both are distributed by BC Video at l -800-508-0558.
Television as a special, hosted by Charlton Heston: “The Mysterious
Origins of Man” and “The Mystery of the Sphinx. ”
Both are distributed by BC Video at l -800-508-0558.
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