The Secret of the Flower of life
How the Fall of Atlantis Changed Our Realityall of Atlantis Changed Our Reality:
A little less than 13,000 years ago, something very dramatic happened inthe history of our planet that weíre going to explore in great detail,because what happened in the past is now affecting every aspect ofour lifetoday. Everything we experience in our daily living, including the particu-lar technologies we use, the wars that erupt, the foods we eat and even the way weperceive our lives, is the direct result of a certain sequence of events that happenedduring the end of Atlantean times. The consequences of these ancient events haveentirely changed the way we live and interpret reality.Everything is connected! There is only one Reality and one God, but thereare many, many ways that the one Reality can be interpreted.
In fact, the num-ber of ways to interpret the Reality are just about infinite. There are certainrealities that many people have agreed on, and these realities are called levelsof consciousness. For reasons weíll get into, there are specific realities thatextremely large numbers of beings are focusing on, which include the one youand I are experiencing right now.
At one time we existed on Earth in a very high level of awareness that was farbeyond anything we can even imagine right now. We hardly have even the capabil-ity to imagine where we once were, because who we were then is so out of contextwith who we are now. Because of the particular events that happened between16,000 and 13,000 years ago, humanity fell from that very high place through manydimensions and overtones, ever increasing in density, until we reached this particu-lar place, which we call the third dimension on planet Earth, the modern world.
When we fell—and it was like a fall—we were in an uncontrolled spiral
of consciousness moving down through the dimensions of consciousness.
We were out of control, and it was very much like falling through space.
When we arrived here in the third dimension, certain specific changes took
place, both physiologically and in the way we functioned in the Reality.
The most important change was in the way we breathed prana, a Hindu word for the life-force energy of this universe. Prana is more critical to our
survival than air, water, food or any other substance, and the manner in
which we take this energy into our bodies radically affects how we perceive
the Reality.
of consciousness moving down through the dimensions of consciousness.
We were out of control, and it was very much like falling through space.
When we arrived here in the third dimension, certain specific changes took
place, both physiologically and in the way we functioned in the Reality.
The most important change was in the way we breathed prana, a Hindu word for the life-force energy of this universe. Prana is more critical to our
survival than air, water, food or any other substance, and the manner in
which we take this energy into our bodies radically affects how we perceive
the Reality.
In Atlantean times and earlier, the way we breathed prana was directly
related to the electromagnetic energy fields that surround our bodies. All
the energy forms in our fields are geometric, and the one we will be working
with is a star tetrahedron, which consists of two interlocked tetrahedrons. Another way of thinking of it is as a three-dimensional Star of
The apex of the upward-pointing tetrahedron terminates one hand’s
length above the head, and the apex of the downward-pointing tetrahedron
terminates one hand’s length below the feet. A connecting tube runs
from the upper apex to the lower point through the body’s main energy centers,
or chakras. This tube, for your body, has the diameter of the circle you
make when you touch your longest finger to your thumb. It looks like a
glass fluorescent tube, except it has a crystalline structure at the ends that
fit into the two apexes of the star tetrahedron.
length above the head, and the apex of the downward-pointing tetrahedron
terminates one hand’s length below the feet. A connecting tube runs
from the upper apex to the lower point through the body’s main energy centers,
or chakras. This tube, for your body, has the diameter of the circle you
make when you touch your longest finger to your thumb. It looks like a
glass fluorescent tube, except it has a crystalline structure at the ends that
fit into the two apexes of the star tetrahedron.
Before the fall of Atlantis, we used to bring prana simultaneously up and
down this tube, and the two prana flows would meet inside one of our chakras.
Specifically how and where the prana meets has always been an important
aspect of this ancient science, which today is still being studied
throughout the universe.
down this tube, and the two prana flows would meet inside one of our chakras.
Specifically how and where the prana meets has always been an important
aspect of this ancient science, which today is still being studied
throughout the universe.
Another major point in the human body is the pineal gland, located almost
in the center of the head, which is a huge factor in consciousness.
This gland has degenerated from its original size, comparable to a pingpong
ball, to its present size, that of a dried pea, because we forgot how to
use it a long time ago—and if you don’t use it, you lose it.
in the center of the head, which is a huge factor in consciousness.
This gland has degenerated from its original size, comparable to a pingpong
ball, to its present size, that of a dried pea, because we forgot how to
use it a long time ago—and if you don’t use it, you lose it.
Pranic energy used to flow through the center of the pineal gland. This
gland, according to Jacob Liberman, author of Light, the Medicine of the Future,
looks like an eye, and in some respects it is literally an eyeball. It’s
round and has an opening on one portion; in that opening is a lens for focusing
light. It’s hollow and has color receptors inside.
Its primary field of view—though this has not been determined scientifically—is upward, toward the heavens.
Just as our eyes can look up to 90 degrees to the side
from the direction they face, the pineal gland can also “look” as much as 90
degrees away from its set direction. Just as we cannot look out the back of
our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down toward the Earth.
from the direction they face, the pineal gland can also “look” as much as 90
degrees away from its set direction. Just as we cannot look out the back of
our heads, the pineal gland cannot look down toward the Earth.
Held inside the pineal gland—even in its shrunken size—are all the sacred
geometries and understandings of exactly how the Reality was created.
It’s all there, in every single person. But these understandings are not accessible
to us now because we lost our memories during the Fall, and without our
memories we started to breathe differently. Instead of taking in prana
through the pineal gland and circulating it up and down our central tube, we
started breathing it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to bypass the pineal gland, which resulted in our seeing things in a totally different
way, through a different interpretation (called good and evil or polarity
consciousness) of the One Reality. The result of this polarity consciousness
has us thinking that we’re inside a body looking out, somehow separated from
what’s “out there.” This is pure illusion. It feels real, but there is no truth at all
to this perception. It’s merely the view of reality we have from this fallen
geometries and understandings of exactly how the Reality was created.
It’s all there, in every single person. But these understandings are not accessible
to us now because we lost our memories during the Fall, and without our
memories we started to breathe differently. Instead of taking in prana
through the pineal gland and circulating it up and down our central tube, we
started breathing it in through the nose and mouth. This caused the prana to bypass the pineal gland, which resulted in our seeing things in a totally different
way, through a different interpretation (called good and evil or polarity
consciousness) of the One Reality. The result of this polarity consciousness
has us thinking that we’re inside a body looking out, somehow separated from
what’s “out there.” This is pure illusion. It feels real, but there is no truth at all
to this perception. It’s merely the view of reality we have from this fallen
For example, there is nothing wrong with anything that happens, for
God is in control of the creation. But from one point of view, a polarity
view, looking at the planet and how it evolves, we should not have fallen
down here. In a normal curve of evolution, we should not be here. Something
happened to us that was not supposed to happen. We went through a
mutation—we had a chromosome breakage, you might say. So the Earth
has been on red alert for almost 13,000 years, and many beings and levels of
consciousness have been working together to figure out how to get us back
onto the path (DNA) where we were before.
God is in control of the creation. But from one point of view, a polarity
view, looking at the planet and how it evolves, we should not have fallen
down here. In a normal curve of evolution, we should not be here. Something
happened to us that was not supposed to happen. We went through a
mutation—we had a chromosome breakage, you might say. So the Earth
has been on red alert for almost 13,000 years, and many beings and levels of
consciousness have been working together to figure out how to get us back
onto the path (DNA) where we were before.
The effect of this “mistaken” fall in consciousness and the ensuing efforts
to get us back on track is that something really good—something unexpected,
something amazing—has resulted. Beings from all over the universe
who have been trying to help us with our problem have initiated various
experiments on us in an effort to assist, some legally and some without
license. One particular experiment is resulting in a scenario that no one
anywhere had ever dreamed would become a reality, except one person in a
single culture from a long-distant past.
to get us back on track is that something really good—something unexpected,
something amazing—has resulted. Beings from all over the universe
who have been trying to help us with our problem have initiated various
experiments on us in an effort to assist, some legally and some without
license. One particular experiment is resulting in a scenario that no one
anywhere had ever dreamed would become a reality, except one person in a
single culture from a long-distant past.
Returning to Our Original State
To be clear, returning to our original state is a natural process that can
be easy or difficult according to our belief patterns.
However, simply becoming involved with the technical relationships of the Mer-Ka-Ba, such as correcting our breathing patterns or mentally realizing the infinite connections
to all patterns of life, for example, is not enough.
to all patterns of life, for example, is not enough.
At least one other factor is even more important than the Mer-Ka-Ba itself, and that is the understanding,realization and living of divine love. For it is divine love,
sometimes referred to as unconditional love, that is the primary factor that allows the Mer-Ka-Ba to become a living field of light. Without divine love, the Mer-Ka-Ba is just a machine, and this machine will have limitations that will never allow the spirit that created it to return home and reach the highest levels of consciousness—the place where there are no
sometimes referred to as unconditional love, that is the primary factor that allows the Mer-Ka-Ba to become a living field of light. Without divine love, the Mer-Ka-Ba is just a machine, and this machine will have limitations that will never allow the spirit that created it to return home and reach the highest levels of consciousness—the place where there are no
We must be experiencing and expressing unconditional love in order to
move beyond a certain dimension, and the world is fast heading toward that
higher place. We are heading away from the place of separatism where we
see ourselves inside the body looking out. That view will be gone soon, to
be replaced with a different view of reality where we’ll have the sense and
knowledge of absolute unity with all life; and that sense will grow more and
more as we continue to move upward through each level on our journey
move beyond a certain dimension, and the world is fast heading toward that
higher place. We are heading away from the place of separatism where we
see ourselves inside the body looking out. That view will be gone soon, to
be replaced with a different view of reality where we’ll have the sense and
knowledge of absolute unity with all life; and that sense will grow more and
more as we continue to move upward through each level on our journey
Later we will explore special ways of opening the heart—to kindle compassionate,
unconditional love so that you can have a direct experience. If
you can just let this happen, you may discover things about yourself that
you didn’t know before.
Dear reader: There are procedures in the workshops that cannot
be reproduced on the tapes or in this book because they are
totally experiential. They are just as important as the knowledge,
for without them the knowledge is worthless. The only
way we can give these experiences now is through oral tradition
through a living workshop. But that may change in the future.
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