I first came upon this Dogon information in 1982 or ’83. I found myself around a group of people who were working with the Dogon tribe, who were actually going there and communicating with them. Then in 1985 I took a group of people to Peru, including one of these Dogon researchers.
We checked into a plush hotel in Cuzco called the Hotel San Agustin, intending to go walking the following day on the Inca Trail, about forty miles over the mountaintops. You walk up to about 14,000 feet, then drop down to Machu Picchu about 5000 feet below. It’s beautiful.
Our hotel was a Spanish adobe palace hidden behind high walls in the center of town. We were paired off so we could get cheaper rates.
I was with the Dogon researcher, and he was constantly telling me about what they were learning, including a lot more than we’re discussing here. We got a room, and the room number was 23. He got all excited and exclaimed, “Room 23!—a very auspicious number!” From Africa, where the Dogons
live, the star Sirius disappears below the horizon and is out of sight for a couple of months; then it appears again on the morning of July 23, when it rises about one minute before the Sun. It appears, bright ruby-red, just above the horizon, almost exactly due east. Sixty seconds later the Sun
So you can see Sirius for just a moment, then it’s gone. This is called the heliacal rising of Sirius, which was a very important moment for most of the ancient world, not just for the Dogons and Egypt.
This is the moment when Sirius and the Sun and the Earth are in a straight line across space. In Egypt, almost all the temples were aligned with this line, including the gaze of the Sphinx. Many of the temples had a tiny hole in the wall somewhere; then there would be another tiny hole through another wall, then through another wall and another, going into some dim inner chamber. In that chamber there would be something like a cube or Golden Mean rectangle of granite sitting in the middle of the room with a little mark on it. At the moment of the heliacal rising of Sirius, a
ruby-red light would strike the altar for a few seconds, which would begin their new year and the first day of the ancient Sothic calendar of Egypt.
Anyway, here we were in Peru, getting the room and remarking about
the number 23. We walked into the room and set our things down; then we
both looked at the bed, and on the bedspread we saw this image We just stood there in amazement, looking at it for about five minutes before we could even speak, because the wheels in our heads were going around so fast, trying to figure out how this could be.
If you look again at the image of the beings who got out of the flying saucer, they looked very similar. They were half in and half out of water—airbreathing mammals—and their tail fins were horizontal, not vertical like fish. The only sea creatures with such fins are cetaceans such as dolphins
and whales.
But the Dogon image is from Africa . . . and here we were in Peru, staring
at a very similar-looking mammal. This just didn’t compute. So we asked
the hotel personnel, “What do you know about this emblem?” They didn’t
know much. They were mostly of Spanish descent and weren’t tied much
into Indian legends. They didn’t know the old stories of creation, so they
had no idea what it meant.
In order to find out more, we rented a little car and drove around the
area asking other people. We finally ended up at Lake Titicaca, talking to
some Uros Indians. At one point I asked, “What do you know about this?”
They said, “Oh, yeah,” and proceeded to tell me a story that sounded very
much like what the Dogons had told! This is their creation story: A flying
saucer came out of the sky and landed in Lake Titicaca on the Island of the
Sun. These dolphinlike creatures jumped into the water, came up to the
people, told them where they came from, and in the beginning, began an intimate
relationship with the pre-Inca peoples. It was this connection with
the Sky People, according to the story, that launched the Incan empire.
I just sat there with my mouth open. Afterward, Simply Living magazine out of Australia published a whole series of articles on this subject.
When people started investigating, they found that cultures all over the
world have similar stories.
There are twelve different cultures in the Mediterranean alone that tell a similar story.
We’ll come back to the dolphins a lot in this work because it seems they played a huge role in the unfoldment of consciousness on this planet.
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